Foggy Path

Written by: Mark Culp
Have you ever had to drive in the fog? One of those dense fogs where you’ve had to drive way below the posted speed limit or you stood a good chance of crashing into something? I’ve had to do this on a number of occasions and I can tell you it can get pretty nerve wracking, especially if I was in a hurry to get where I was going.
I remember a particular time when I was driving on a road I had never driven on, and the twists and turns seemed to come out of nowhere. If not for my pressing engagement, I would have waited for the fog to lift on it’s own. Read more…


The Things Unasked

Written by: Mandi Greene
I hate having to ask for the things I need. In my perfect world, a little fairy would flutter around whispering in the ears of my loved ones to give them all a nudge in the right direction.
“Your wife didn’t get much sleep last night, you should offer to take the baby to the park
and let her take a nap”.
“That smile is fake, she definitely cannot handle a single thing more on her plate right
now. Her sanity is at risk. Go ask someone else”. Read more…


Discrepancy Thinking

Written by:  Mark Culp
If you ask most Christians if they deserve hell, most would answer “yes”. It has kind of become a standard answer you give to your fellow believing friends. In fact, most believers could not even imagine answering any other way. It’s the belief we must come to, to be truly saved. That being said, here is the question. If we truly believe that we are deserving of hell, why do we believe at the same time, and get all bent out of shape, and cry and whine, and demand justice when we don’t get treated fairly (or maybe someone disrespects us).
I’m trying to point out a discrepancy in our thinking.
Saying I am deserving of hell and then getting so angry when I’m not being treated right reveals a disconnect. I need to daily remind myself of the infinite mercy and grace that was bestowed upon me at the cross. Doing that puts everything else in the proper perspective. I have to remember that whatever wrong I perceive may have happened to me, it was nothing, and I mean nothing compared to what I did to a perfect Holy God.
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I’m currently 51 years old and live in Saline with my wife Melinda. We each have 2 children, and together we have 12 grandchildren (including 2 still in the “oven”).  I have walked through various hardships in life and it’s my prayer and desire to share some of the things I’ve learned walking through these hardships.  I pray that God uses something in what I share to spark in you a thought that may have needed to be lit.  I don’t presume to have it all worked out, and much of what you will read is currently being worked out in my own life.  I would like to thank my precious Lord for this “voice” and pray that what I say will bring honor to Him.   – Mark


God Will Never Give You More than You can Handle (??)

Written by: Mark Culp
1 Corinthians 1:8-9 “We think you ought to know, dear brothers and sisters, about the trouble we went through in the province of Asia. We were crushed and overwhelmed beyond our ability to endure, and we thought we would never live through it. In fact, we expected to die. But as a result, we stopped relying on ourselves and learned to rely only on God, who raises the dead.”
I have heard people voice various platitudes concerning various topics most of my life. Some are used to cover a variety of situations and others are more specific. One of the more popular slogans states that “God will never give you more than you can handle.” How could anyone doubt the “truth ” of this time honored saying? You may Read more…


God Provides what We Need

Written by:  Mark Culp
Exodus 16:4 recounts the story of when God introduced manna to the Israelites. It was during the time when He was leading them through the desert after He had miraculously delivered them from the bondage of Pharaoh. They were in the wilderness where God was leading them and forging a people for His own.
His seemingly simple instructions to His people were to gather only what they needed for the day with the exception of the sixth day of every week, where they would gather twice as much. These instructions were simple enough, at least on the surface, but to many, the instructions just did not make any sense. They were in a desert wilderness after all, and many decided to gather Read more…