Posted on May 29, 2020 in COVID19 |
Oakwood Church Friends and Family,
This note feels like it has been a long time coming. We are excited to announce to you that we will start holding services, IN PERSON, on the weekend of June 6th and 7th. Services will be held at 300 Old Creek Dr. Saline at the First Assembly of God Church (Saline AOG). We’re grateful for Saline AOG’s graciousness in sharing their building with us. Our current plan is to meet at Saline AOG for the next three months. Woodland Meadows School will not be available again until school starts back up in the fall. We will also continue our online services for those who are not ready to return yet.
Saline AOG plans to restart their in-person services this coming Sunday, May 31st. Since their worship service is held at 11:00 AM on Sundays, we will start back with two services – one on Saturday at 5:00 PM and one at 9:00 AM on Sunday morning. The change in time for the Saturday service (from 7 PM to 5 PM) is an experiment we will try for the summer after conversations with many of those who typically attended Saturday services.
Know that we plan to practice social distancing during our services, including seating. We will ask folks to wear mask. However, individuals will not be forced to do this in order to be involved in the services. Hand sanitizer will be provided at all entrance areas, doors will be propped open, and areas will be disinfected after services. Also, initially we will only provide children’s classes during the Saturday and Sunday services for newborn through Grade 2. Children in grades 3 and above will join their families in the worship center.
We look forward to the opportunity to restart in-person services for our family and friends who are ready to return. Please continue praying for Oakwood as we finalize our planning for holding in-person services again.
The Pastors of Oakwood
Posted on May 9, 2020 in COVID19 |
Oakwood Family,
In compliance with both state and federal stay home, stay safe guidelines, Oakwood Church will continue to meet exclusively online for the rest of April. We urge you to do your part in fighting the spread of COVID-19, and keep our communities safe. Our services will continue to be available online, though they will continue to be pre-recorded, via our three viewing platforms:
In order to help our church family stay connected, we’ll continue to offer online life/small group studies, as well as a variety of content and social media. If you have any questions on how you can get, or stay, connected with Oakwood Church during this time, please fill out our
Contact Form.
However, we are preparing to meet in-person again. In light of the
Governor’s recent executive order (s. 7.16), we are in the process of developing our
Return to Service strategy. Please be praying for our leadership as we take these steps to preserve the safety of our congregation and community.
Lastly, we urge you to continue regular times of prayer for our country, state, and local leaders. Pray for those working the frontlines of this epidemic. Those risking exposure to keep you safe, and help those in need. Pray for God to heal our land, and bring revival during this time of pain and uncertainty.
Posted on Apr 10, 2020 in COVID19 |
Oakwood Family,
In compliance with both state and federal stay home, stay safe guidelines, Oakwood Church will continue to meet exclusively online for the rest of April. We urge you to do your part in fighting the spread of COVID-19, and keep our communities safe. Our services will continue to be available online, though they will continue to be pre-recorded, via our three viewing platforms:
In order to help our church family stay connected, we’ll continue to offer online life/small group studies, as well as a variety of content and social media. If you have any questions on how you can get, or stay, connected with Oakwood Church during this time, please fill out our
Contact Form.
Lastly, we urge you to continue regular times of prayer for our country, state, and local leaders. Pray for those working the frontlines of this epidemic. Those risking exposure to keep you safe, and help those in need. Pray for God to heal our land, and bring revival during this time of pain and uncertainty.
With Great Love and Hope in Our Lord,

Posted on Mar 14, 2020 in COVID19 | Tags: coronavirus, covid19, notices, online, plan, services, updates
Oakwood Family,
Just like churches across our nation, Oakwood is moving to an fully online format for the next few weeks to comply with the spirit of the declared national and state health emergencies. We appreciate your patience as we make this shift. You can expect that we’ll enhance the experience each week. Please stand by for information regarding our plans to take other ministries online like children’s, youth, and adult Bible studies.
We hope you’ll enjoy your time with us and plan to visit us online again next weekend.
Should you have any questions, please email us at
Ways to Give:
- Online: Text oakwoodchurch to 77977 for a link to give online, or visit
- Snail Mail: Send offerings to 525 E. Michigan Ave #328 Saline, MI 48176
Posted on Jan 11, 2019 in Oakwood |
This Weekend at Oakwood

Sermon Summary from Pastor Marc Goodwin: The Witness Protection Program is something we’ve all heard of, but that we hope to never learn about first-hand. It’s an important program established several decades ago to provide protection to witnesses in court cases where they are under real or suspected threat of harm because of their testimony against highly powerful people. It seems a bit odd then, that if our secular government is willing to use vast resources to shield (sometimes sketchy) witnesses from potential harm, our Lord Jesus, who has all power and authority, would tell His disciples that their witness about Him would leave them under serious threat, even leading to death for some. While at first glance it may seem that Jesus was leaving His disciples vulnerable and exposed, we’ll see in John 15:18-16:4 this Sunday morning that Jesus was indeed protecting His disciples–but that it was against something worse than death. I hope that you can join us to find out what that is and to be encouraged to be a witness for Christ yourself.
Sunday Playlist
Each week we’ll include a list of songs we plan to sing as part of our worship services. We hope this helps you to learn the songs and sing them throughout the week!