Aug '19
God’s Children
Aug '19
As parents, we go through a struggle every day. We want the very best for our kids. We want them to be safe, we want them to make the right choices. We want them to follow God. It’s hard when we see them doing things that they shouldn’t be doing, or just not caring about the importance of a life led by God. What are we supposed to do. We do the best we can when we still have control. As they grow and get older, we continue to live our lives in front of them, making sure that we continue to show them Christ. It Read more…
Jul '19
It’s Not About Me
Jul '19
Sometimes I feel like I’ve failed God. I start to doubt myself. I start to see things about myself that wouldn’t be pleasing to God. I start to feel unworthy. I have to remember that I live in this fallen world, and I’m destined to make mistakes and failures. As long as I’m in this world, satan will do his best to mess with my mind and cloud my judgment. Satan can’t take my salvation, but he can sneak around and try to trip me up. Read more…
Jul '19
Turn to God
Jul '19
God teaches me something new each day. I try to stay focused on Him. I try to tune out worldly attitudes and distractions. It can be so difficult at times. I want to get things done, I have a plan, but there is always something tugging at me. I find in those times, that’s when I need God more than ever. That’s when I have to depend on Him and let go of the frustration I feel. God comforts me. He takes away my anxiety. He lets Read more…
Jul '19
God’s Peace
Jul '19
I am filled with God’s peace. There’s things that I automatically tend to worry about, and I know better. I know God is fully and completely in control. My mind can tend to wander at times, that’s when worry creeps in. Worry is a human default mode that kicks in when I start to think I can fix things on my own, I’m forgetting that I’m not the One in control, He is. I relax knowing that His peace surrounds me. I relax knowing that all of the questions that I ask myself, He’s already answered. When I ask myself, “Why couldn’t I have done that? Why did this happen? Why didn’t they choose me? Why did I have to go through Read more…
Jul '19
God is for Me
Jul '19
Knowing Jesus is for me, means I can rest. I don’t have to be hurried, I don’t have to constantly look over my shoulder. He’s done everything for me. When we give ourselves to Christ, when we acknowledge Him as our Savior, He comes into our lives and He takes up residence.
Revelation 3:20 ESV – Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with Me.
Trouble and heartache are things we must deal with in this life. What bothers us, bothers God. Read more…
Jun '19
Flawed and Furious
Jun '19
I am one flawed individual. I have shame and insecurities that only my Lord and Savior can understand. I go to Him each morning and ask for His guidance and forgiveness. I ask for Him to surround me with His goodness and strength. I pray for my family that I love. I pray that God surrounds each one of them and guides their hearts. I know what kind of struggles go on in my own life, and I know how much I depend on Read more…
Jun '19
In Awe of our Savior
Jun '19
I am amazed each and every day at what God does in my life. I’m just a simple person working to survive just like everyone else. When we stop and think about it, we’re all in the same boat. The only reason any of us make it through is because of God. We sure can’t take credit for any of it. He gave it all. He provides it all. I am in awe every day because I see Him in action in my life. He gives me the stamina to keep moving, Read more…
Jun '19
Brain Fog
Jun '19
Staying focused on God is what I strive to do. So often our thoughts can drift and we begin to occupy our minds with worry and stress that take away from God’s intention for us. It’s easy to do. We can be working and let our minds get way ahead of where we’re at, and then we become worried about things that are not in our control. We can really start to drag our endurance down and lose sight of the good that God has Read more…
Jun '19
Jun '19
God’s blessings have always taken me through life. He’s made everything possible for me according to His will. Certainly, I’ve drifted away and taken my own route plenty of times, and fallen flat on my face. He’s always been right there to lift me up and guide me in the right direction. He created me, He knew my destination from the start. He knew all the trials I would face, He knew the heartbreak, He knew the hurt, He knew that I would be this determined person that was going to do things my way regardless of what Read more…
Jun '19
Compared to Others
Jun '19
I have a bad habit of comparing myself to others. I know that this behavior isn’t healthy. I know that I am God’s child. I know that I am created in His image. Why do I compare myself to others? I don’t know. My self- esteem has always been a little on the low side, but I feel like I’ve grown a lot over the years. I know that He surrounds me on all sides every day. Satan roams around constantly looking for an opportunity to slither in and drag us down. God gives me grace and direction each morning I wake up. He’s got my day planned and He knows exactly what’s in front of me. There’s no need for me to worry and Read more…