May '20

He’s Got Your Whole World in His Hands
May '20

By: Ms. Amy
So, I’m sitting here today flooded in self-pity. I can’t do what I want, I can’t see who I want. I miss the hugs of my little nieces and nephews so much it hurts. I get teary-eyed just thinking about their birthday parties we’re missing, their antics, their laughing, the potlucks together. My work at the office is almost wrapped up, so what will we do then? Can I get an AMEN here? Anybody have one or two of these feelings? Yet I don’t have the extra struggles many of you face: I don’t have little people at home trying to do schoolwork, to keep entertained, fed, cleaned, loving on, and still have to do my job at home sometime in between their tears. I’m not out of a paycheck like many of you. And I’m not alone. EVER.
The most I can say is what is in my heart. I’ve been a daughter of the Most High King for 61 years. I met Him and asked Jesus to be my Savior when I was 8 (so you’re all doing the math) . Yes, I’m 69. I felt His presence when I was newly divorced and unemployed. I’ve trusted Him when I really felt it was time to leave the security of a job working for the county courts for 9 years: benefits, paid vacations and sick leave and retirement. I had felt Him leading to start a small business. It was scary. At one time I lost a huge contract that I’d had informally for over 10 years. The financial hit was enormous. Many of you have heard my story before. Yet through it all I always knew and experienced His presence and His peace, His provision and His love.
My most heartfelt thoughts to give you is to keep in the Word. You will find many nuggets of encouragement, promises Our Father makes to us as His children. Philippians 4:6-9 says: “Do not worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all He has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus. And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. Keep putting into practice all you learned and received from Me–everything you heard from Me and saw Me doing. Then the God of peace will be with you.” As I read and reread these verses I continually thank Paul for writing these words for us. I would ask you folks to ponder these verses. There is much ahead of us. Much unsurety. We worry about our kids and homes and livelihood. Tell your Heavenly Dad about it. He cares. Thank Him for the good things in your lives.
I’m a news junkie. Every night when I got home I was tuning in my favorite news channel to get the latest updates happening in the world. Then I’d wake up in the night thinking of all the travesty. I’ve pared that news habit down a lot with these scriptures in mind. I have to fix on what is true and right and lovely and admirable. Those things are my earthly family and you, my Oakwood family. I watch your posts of your children’s happenings and you make me laugh. I see your prayer requests for loved ones or situations and my heart is so touched at the outpouring of love toward each other. Commercials tell us “We’re in this together.” Yes, you and I as Oakwood’s family are in this together. To lift each other up in prayer, to send notes of encouragement, to find joy in just living. Seek peace, my friends. We will soon get to embrace each other and laugh together and ask about each others’ kids and lives. For now we’re in the palm of Our Father’s hands. I so often think of the song we sang as kids, “He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands.” He’s got us. He knows what He’s doing.
As I am writing this, a song came on my “Message” SiriusXM radio; “It’s Gonna Get Better” by Stars Go Dim. I would highly recommend you listen by clicking the below link. Yes, my friends, “It’s Gonna Get Better.” You gotta trust.
I love you all.
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Thank you Amy for your beautiful blog. You quoted my favorite scriptures that opened my eyes and heart to fully understanding and trusting God and His love for me!
I too look forward to the day I can hug my grandbabies and my Oakwood family!