Knock if Off (The “Eye Surgery Saga”)

Well, I continue to blog over and over about trusting God. God has gotten me through so many hard times, and has pulled me out of some mirky waters over the years. So, now I come upon another struggle. Eye surgery. My eyesight is pretty important to me; I would guess any seeing person would agree and say the same. So, when I found out I had to have surgery on my eye to replace my natural-born lens, it was a bit concerning. After all, this is MY eye we’re talking about, not someone else’s. Eeek. I did some research, talked to friends, and everyone assured me that this is something that is simple and routine and just another day on the job for the doctor, and yes, that seemed (and still seems) to be the case.
I went into the surgical center 2 days ago to have eye surgery, everyone was great, the surgery was done, I could see AMAZING out of the eye that I’ve been having problems with the last 2 years. I was EXCITED to say the least! Then after I got home, put the Read more…