Jun '20

Jun '20

By: Brian Keel
I get it. I’ve been there. I’ve had the stack of bills sitting on the kitchen counter or the dining room table. I’ve had the never-ending stream of incoming phone calls from debt collectors. I’ve seen my car leaving the driveway on the flatbed of an asset recovery truck. I’ve even lost a home. Everything is closing in and life is Read more…
May '20

He’s Got Your Whole World in His Hands
May '20

By: Ms. Amy
So, I’m sitting here today flooded in self-pity. I can’t do what I want, I can’t see who I want. I miss the hugs of my little nieces and nephews so much it hurts. I get teary-eyed just thinking about their birthday parties we’re missing, their antics, their laughing, the potlucks together. My work at the office is almost wrapped up, so what will we do then? Can I get an AMEN here? Anybody have one or two of these feelings? Yet I don’t have the extra struggles many of you face: I don’t have little people at home trying to do schoolwork, to keep entertained, fed, cleaned, Read more…
May '20

Finding Inspiration (in This Time)
May '20

With this coronavirus pandemic taking over our lives, it’s been tough to find the inspiration to write. It’s so easy to get caught up in the fear and stress of it all. But, we can work our way out of feeling down and depressed. We only need to look to God. When we focus our attention on Him and not on our problems, our outlook becomes different. When we think about those who are on the front lines every day, taking care of us, making sure we’re safe, that’s our inspiration to fight through our troubles. So many people are out there keeping us going, providing everything we need to make it through. Things are different, things have Read more…
Apr '20

Apr '20

“What would I do at this time without hope?” I’ve asked myself that question many times over the last few weeks of being at home in isolation. The coronavirus is front and center everywhere. Jobs are being lost, people are getting sick, some losing their lives, the economy is falling quicker than a lead balloon and we can’t escape any of it when turning on the tv.
I’m not going to sugar coat it – week one of isolation (5 weeks ago for me starting to work from home daily) was a bit tough for me. Everyone was nervous and we didn’t know much about this virus (not that we Read more…
Mar '20

God’s Faith in Me
Mar '20

When I doubt myself, God has faith in me. When I think I’m not good enough, God has faith in me. When I feel like an outsider, He is my friend and companion. He cheers me on when I have no one else. When I am angry, He calms me down. When I am hurt, He lifts me up. When I have lost my way, He finds me. When I don’t know what to say, He gives me the words. He is my stronghold. He is my life line. Without Jesus, I Read more…
Feb '20

Flesh vs. Spirit
Feb '20

We’re only human, right? We’re allowed to get upset and throw temper tantrums. It wasn’t our fault to begin with, and the other person should have known better. We battle constantly with our desire to control things that are out of our control. When we don’t get our way, we start to find fault in others and in the way everything turned out. We often let our emotions get the best of us. Our emotions are what can get us in trouble. When we give control to our selfish desire to have things our way, we end up in a battle that we Read more…
Feb '20

Only With God
Feb '20

We made it through yesterday at work. Certain days can be a little rough, and yesterday was one of them. Only with God, was I able to accomplish things. He settled my stress and guided my hands, and just led me through my work. Plenty of times we feel the pressure but He takes the reigns and tells us to just rest in Read more…
Feb '20

Make the Change
Feb '20

During the night Pharaoh summoned Moses and Aaron and said, “Up! Leave my people, you and the Israelites! Go, worship the Lord as you have requested. Take your flocks and herds, as you have said, and go. And also bless me.” Exodus 12:31-32
At various points of my life, I have dealt with situations where I was certain of something only to change my mind. It wasn’t that I really changed. However, the circumstances had changed which forced me to adjust. A few years ago, my daughter cheered for a certain team. She got along with several of the teachers at the gym, and both my wife and me formed relationships with the Read more…
Feb '20

Practicing Humility
Feb '20

Practicing humility allows us to breathe. It teaches us how to get out of our own way and accept the help of others. I don’t know about anyone else, but I can sure get myself into a lot of trouble when I think I know everything. I can become a little arrogant because I get really comfortable doing something. That’s when I find myself in the most trouble. I can forget that I need others around me to learn from and to grow with.