Sep '19
First Line of Defense
Posted on Sep 7, 2019 in Dena's Corner | Tags: baptism, baptist, baptist church, Christian Blog, christianblog, church, church blog, churchblog, defense, devotion, devotional, faith, god, Jesus, Love, Oakwood, Oakwood Church, Saline, Saline MI, southern baptist
Sep '19
In Bible Study this week, we’re studying the power of prayer. Man, I sure do need a reminder about that subject. As unexpected things happen with people in my life that I care about, it’s sometimes so disheartening and stressful that I completely forget to pray. As many of you know (either from my blogs or personally), I’m one of those “Let me help!” kind of people. So, when things go awry, what is my first line of defense? “Let me help! How can I help? What can I do to help fix this?”. The answers to these are “No”, “You can’t” and “Nothing”.