Posted on May 29, 2021 in Guest Corner | Tags: baptism, baptist, baptist church, Christian Blog, christianblog, church, church blog, churchblog, devotion, devotional, faith, god, hematology, Jesus, Love, Oakwood, Oakwood Church, peace, Ph Factor, Romans 8:28, Saline, Saline MI, southern baptist

By: Debbra Chapman
Most mornings I would find my toddler’s face in pool of dried blood on his pillow. Clueless to what had happened through the night as there was no apparent accident. The blood would typically come from his nose and would be dry by morning. He was only 3 and slept in his toddler bed never really alerting us that there was ever an issue and if there was he would sleep right through it. Some Read more…
Posted on May 1, 2021 in General | Tags: baptism, baptist, baptist church, Christian Blog, christianblog, church, church blog, churchblog, devotion, devotional, faith, god, Jesus, Love, Oakwood, Oakwood Church, Saline, Saline MI, southern baptist
Thanks for stopping by our blog site! Clicking on a blogger photo (or the guest author area) will direct you to the bio and previous blogs in written (and some) in audio format. The hope of our bloggers is to show you their love and dependency on Christ as they share their personal life experiences. We appreciate all of you who are reading.
– Oakwood Blog Ministry
Posted on Jan 16, 2021 in Guest Corner | Tags: baptism, baptist, baptist church, Christian Blog, christianblog, church, church blog, churchblog, devotion, devotional, faith, god, Jesus, Love, Oakwood, Oakwood Church, peace, Saline, Saline MI, southern baptist

Written by: Amy Lynn
To die to self is to set aside what we want, and focus instead on loving God, doing His will, and valuing others as highly as we value ourselves. This moves us away from selfishness and towards being openhearted followers of Christ who care deeply for others. Read more…
Posted on Jan 2, 2021 in Guest Corner | Tags: alone, baptism, baptist, baptist church, Christian Blog, christianblog, church, church blog, churchblog, devotion, devotional, faith, god, Jesus, Love, Oakwood, Oakwood Church, peace, Saline, Saline MI, southern baptist

Written By: Brian Keel
I was reading a devotional by Alistair Begg this morning, and what I read resonated pretty deeply in my heart.
The holiday season is an extremely lonely time for many people. It may be their first Christmas without a loved one. It may be a yearly reminder of those we have held so close to our hearts. Depression sets in and Read more…
Posted on Sep 19, 2020 in Guest Corner | Tags: baptism, baptist, baptist church, Christian Blog, christianblog, church, church blog, churchblog, devotion, devotional, faith, god, Jesus, Love, Oakwood, Oakwood Church, peace, Saline, Saline MI, southern baptist

Written by: Shara Gunther
Living in this world, we can be guaranteed some sort of pain or stress in life. For some of us, it seems like we live life skating from one pain to the next, effortlessly.
From an early age, ‘loss and struggle’ became the definition of what life meant to me. My emotional restlessness showed up as over-cleaning and over-organizing. I even started a Read more…
Posted on Sep 12, 2020 in Guest Corner | Tags: baptism, baptist, baptist church, Christian Blog, christianblog, church, church blog, churchblog, devotion, devotional, faith, god, Jesus, Love, Oakwood, Oakwood Church, Saline, Saline MI, southern baptist

Written by: Kendra Woody
What is it about the early morning and the freshness of a new day that is so remarkable? Is it the settling of the dew droplets that glisten and dance in the gentle breeze? Is it the smell of the earth awakening in all its splendor? Is it the artistry in the sky as the sun starts to make its way over the horizon? It could be all those things and more.
What about God’s love and mercy? Could it have something to do with that, too? Read more…
Posted on Sep 5, 2020 in Dena's Corner | Tags: baptism, baptist, baptist church, Christian Blog, christianblog, church, church blog, churchblog, devotion, devotional, faith, god, Jesus, Love, Oakwood, Oakwood Church, Saline, Saline MI, southern baptist, unmet expectations

Two quotes* online popped up in front of my face within hours of each other, and I couldn’t stop contemplating either of them or their meaning. In context, both were referencing God. While both different statements, my thought process continued ruminating on them toward the same thought pattern:
Posted on Aug 29, 2020 in Guest Corner | Tags: baptism, baptist, baptist church, Christian Blog, christianblog, church, church blog, churchblog, devotion, devotional, faith, god, Jesus, Love, Oakwood, Oakwood Church, Saline, Saline MI, southern baptist

Written by: Ms. Amy
What are you praying for? Are you talking to your Heavenly Father (DAD)? As some of you may know I’m self-employed as a court reporter. We record and also type court proceedings and transcriptions of various things. Our training is intense over a couple of months.
My niece had been working for me for a few months and is exceptionally talented and has a good work ethic. She has 5 kids under 11. Last month she became Read more…
Posted on Aug 22, 2020 in Rita's Corner | Tags: baptism, baptist, baptist church, Christian Blog, christianblog, church, church blog, churchblog, devotion, devotional, faith, god, Jesus, Love, Oakwood, Oakwood Church, Saline, Saline MI, southern baptist

We’ve made it a little more than half way through the year. It sure hasn’t been easy for anyone. There’s been a lot of loss and heartache for people. Our lives were turned upside down. It’s been anything but normal. I only make it through the chaos and confusion because of my Savior. He promises to walk right by Read more…
Posted on Aug 15, 2020 in Guest Corner | Tags: baptism, baptist, baptist church, Christian Blog, christianblog, church, church blog, churchblog, cried, devotion, devotional, faith, god, Jesus, Love, Oakwood, Oakwood Church, Saline, Saline MI, southern baptist

By: Brian Keel
I cried today.
The tears streamed down my face as I bowed my head to pray.
I wanted so badly to scream to the Lord, but my words could never get across what I earnestly wanted to say.
So, I never uttered a word. I never tried to speak.
I just sat there holding my head and continued to weep.