Oct '18
Crave What?
Oct '18
I was in a Small Group/Bible Study in the Spring titled “Made to Crave.” Crave is a verb and is defined as this: 1.) to long for; want greatly; desire eagerly 2.) to require; need.
While this actual study is about healthy eating habits (Lysa TurKeurst; Made to Crave), the concept can be applied to so many other areas of our lives. This study could almost be paraphrased as “Who/what is your God?”, as that’s basically the premise of the study. May I ask… what is the most important thing in your life? Is it a person? A material thing? Food? A relationship? A lifestyle? God?? Be honest.. what is it? Think. {..pause here..} Got it?? You may say it’s God, but is it really? I asked myself this same question.
So, I learned in this Bible Study that when we crave and put something – anything – above God, it’s a sin. Yes, a sin. I dislike that I must admit that I’ve rarely looked at it this way. Yeah, I would go about life enjoying the things that God provided for me, and I Read more…
Sep '18
Timing is Everything
Sep '18
In today’s world we live for immediate gratification. We have everything right at our fingertips. We want the next best thing even though what we currently have is perfectly fine. There is always something bigger, better and more powerful. Instant feedback is great, and the internet and social media help keep us connected to important issues when used properly. We don’t have to wait for a response, we simply type in a question (or use our voice control option), and we instantly have answers. We have what we want when we want it, no waiting.
Being impatient tends to get us in trouble. We make bad decisions that we regret later. We make mistakes Read more…