Nov '19
Changing Our Questions
Nov '19
“When everything is ready, I will come and get you, so that you will always be with Me where I am. And you know the way to where I am going.” “No, we don’t know, Lord,” Thomas said. “We have no idea where You are going, so how can we know the way?” Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through Me. If you had really known Me, you would know who my Father is. From now on, you do know Him and have seen Him!” John 14:3-7
Do you ever question God? There are times that I pray for things that do not come, and then I will ask why. Why didn’t a check come through the mail? Why didn’t my plan for work go well? Why is my computer still malfunctioning? These were all thoughts in my mind as things did not Read more…
Nov '19
(Remind Me) Whose I Am
Nov '19
Does the enemy ever get completely in your head and wreak havoc with your thoughts? Just recently this very thing happened to me with something in my life. When looking back, it really wasn’t “that” big of a deal, and I have no idea how or why I allowed this thought to get to me so bad, but I did. I think when the enemy gets in our head, until we recognize what is going on, we sometimes keep going down the path that he’s creating for us; and I did exactly that. Down the “rabbit hole”. This, in turn, created a “pity party” in Read more…
Nov '19
Nov '19
Well, I’ve been battling a cold this week, I think I’m finally on the flip-side of it. Time for a change. Mr. Cold has to hit the bricks and get out! Sometimes we have to slow our bodies down to rest. When we try to keep pushing through things when we’re sick, I don’t think we’re listening to God. He’s trying to tell us something. SLOW down! Stop trying to be in control of everything and just give it to Him! We don’t have to worry about things, He’s going to provide. When I have to call into work, I feel guilty, because it’s so much Read more…
Nov '19
Is it Maybe Something More?
Nov '19
As I headed out the door one day last week, a bit late mind you, I found that nearly every time I went to leave, there was something I remembered I was forgetting. First it was my computer. Delay. Pack it up in its bag and time to go. Supplements. Forgot to take those. Got each one out of the bottle, took them – I need my vitamins! Time to go! Oops.. needed to send that text message to a friend so I didn’t forget later. Quickly completed. Time to leave! Half way out the door and remembered I needed to ask Google to Play Smile FM for the dogs while I’m gone. “Hey Google, play Smile FM”. “Ok, playing Smile FM”. Nothing played. I Read more…
Nov '19
Ordinary People
Nov '19
Do you ever look at someone else and think, “Wow, that person really has it all together.” Their hair is done just right. They dress very nice. They talk very smart. They have achieved a status that I could never achieve. But, that’s not true. Underneath, they are just ordinary people like you and me. Sometimes the people we assume have it all together, are the ones hurting the most, and don’t have anything together. I am learning that whatever walk of life we come from, that we are all just ordinary people looking for a place to fit in. Read more…
Nov '19
Love Well
Nov '19
By Kendra Woody
My good friend (let’s call him Andy) is devastated by the news that his wife of 40 years has cancer. Maybe even more than one would expect. You see, Andy has his own health concerns, as well. His disease is robbing him of his memory and his sight. His wife does everything for him. She drives him, pours his milk, and reads his phone. He is becoming more and more limited in his ability to care for himself.
When I heard this sad news about his wife, I was crushed! I immediately asked God to give me words to share with him. Not just words that filled the Read more…
Oct '19
Fitting In (But Where?)
Oct '19
As an adolescent growing up, I often felt those feelings of awkwardness and loneliness, like I just didn’t fit in. I was one of those kids that was always chosen last, or just considered a weak link. In my case, those feelings and patterns of life still creep in at times. As time went by, eventually (although it took a very long time), I was able to build confidence and strength through maturity and developing healthy relationships.
When my relationship with God started growing, I started growing. I was no longer searching for a place to fit in, He holds the perfect spot for me. There are definitely times when I am out of my comfort zone. I have Read more…
Oct '19
Control Girls (and Guys)
Oct '19
Do I even want to talk about being someone who likes to be “in control”? Not really….. but it’s good to know that I’m not alone, as many people of the Bible were themselves people who took control of situations that God already had under control. Eve, Sarai (Sarah), and even Rebekah were Control Girls. David and Saul were Control Guys. I’m thankful that I can take heart and learn from the warnings and lessons from some of these people in the Bible. Read more…
Oct '19
Not What I Had Planned
Oct '19
I recently saw a photo online of the Mississippi River and the various paths it has taken over the course of its existence. Did you know the Mississippi River is a dynamic and changing river? Its course has already changed numerous times and will eventually change again.* It has jumped back and forth and winded this way and that way, and there were so many paths along the way, at one point, to keep it steady and on the same path. they simply built walls around it. The boundaries were set. It’s not moving again. But even after the Read more…
Oct '19
Oct '19
In His grace, God has given us different gifts for doing certain things well. So if God has given you the ability to prophesy, speak out with as much faith as God has given you. If your gift is serving others, serve them well. If you are a teacher, teach well. If your gift is to encourage others, be encouraging. If it is giving, give generously. If God has given you leadership ability, take the responsibility seriously. And if you have a gift for showing kindness to others, do it gladly. Romans 12:6-8
One of the greatest lessons I have learned over the years is that we are all gifted. My wife for example is incredible at getting things done. She is kindhearted and loving, and when there is a goal she has set in her Read more…