Mar '19

The Incredible Invisible Omnipresent God
Mar '19

Come, let us worship and bow down.
Let us kneel before the Lord our Maker,
for He is our God.
We are the people He watches over,
the flock under His care. Psalm 95:6-7
Let us kneel before the Lord our Maker,
for He is our God.
We are the people He watches over,
the flock under His care. Psalm 95:6-7
I have always been a huge hi-fi buff. My mother taught me about it when I was a kid, and she would take me to stores to listen to music in ordinary low end equipment. Then, she took me to the high end where the sound became addictive. Regular sound over the years would become to my ears, ordinary. Then, I would get home to my surround sound system with high-end speakers, and become in a state of euphoric bliss.
Back when I was an early teen, we had an appliance store called Highland Appliance. They had everything from refrigerators to TVs, but I used to go because of the assortment of hi-fi equipment. Highland Appliance was ‘that place’ for me to find the best audio components. So, when a job opportunity came up for me to actually work there I was in dreamland! “This is where I should be.” I thought. When I interviewed, I just knew I would get the job because I always was a great interview. Well, I didn’t get the job. Back then, I was depressed and saddened, but oh how things have changed. Over thirty years later and the last twenty years, I have been in my current job. Happy and joyful even on the bad days. And Highland Appliance? They went bankrupt over 27 years ago and 3 years after my interview, and as I drove by where their headquarters once stood, I reflected on how God incredibly and invisibly guided things when I didn’t even know. Many might call it luck or fate. However, we know better.
God is always watching over us. The Bible has many stories of how God watched over His people when they were not focused on Him. Sometimes it was major as exemplified in Exodus 3:7 when God told Moses, “I have certainly seen the oppression of my people in Egypt. I have heard their cries of distress because of their harsh slave drivers. Yes, I am aware of their suffering.” Other times, it was providing temporary comfort as He had done for Jonah (and the Lord God arranged for a leafy plant to grow there, and soon it spread its broad leaves over Jonah’s head, shading him from the sun. This eased his discomfort, and Jonah was very grateful for the plant – Jonah 4:6). The point of this is how God often looks out for us even when at times we are not aware. I was to become a father before my 20th birthday, and I felt the weight of the world on me. Yet in that moment, God reminded me of His presence as He in song asked me to put my burdens on Him. We can all look back at our lives to find both circumstances where we might have been in harm’s way and situations that seemed too much to bear. Yet, God always proved to be our protector, provider, and perfecter. He never failed then, and He will not fail us either now or beyond.
There are no depths that God will not go to ensure our safety. There are unfathomable possibilities we could come up with how our life may have been, but see where God has brought you to today. If you are like me, be grateful for all He has done, and if you are struggling, be reassured that He has always been there for you. He simply will not fail. What can you reflect on where you can now see God’s presence in a situation? How can surety of His presence help you in your walk of faith today? My prayer is that we give thanks for the incredible invisible omnipresent God. Amen!
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