Jul '19

Turn to God
Jul '19

God teaches me something new each day. I try to stay focused on Him. I try to tune out worldly attitudes and distractions. It can be so difficult at times. I want to get things done, I have a plan, but there is always something tugging at me. I find in those times, that’s when I need God more than ever. That’s when I have to depend on Him and let go of the frustration I feel. God comforts me. He takes away my anxiety. He lets me know that He is fully and completely in control. He gives me encouragement and helps me to rest in Him.
Psalm 94:19 NKJV – In the multitude of my anxieties within me, Your comforts delight my soul.
God takes care of me. When I get overwhelmed, my natural tendency is to focus on me and everything I can’t get done. What I should be doing is focusing on God. Absorbing myself in God instead of on the problem makes all the difference. He can handle things. He relieves my anxiety and teaches me how to deal with things calmly. Turning to Him and relinquishing all of the issues and little inconvenient details makes a huge difference in the way things turn out. He calms me down. Things always turn out better when I just relax in Him.
Psalm 27:8 NKJV – When You said, “Seek My face,” My heart said to You, “Your face, Lord, I will seek.”
God brings comfort and peace to my soul. He can take all of the tiredness and anxiety away. He lets me just rest in Him. He reassures me of His presence and leads me through all of the little twists and turns of each day. Things do happen that try to grab my attention away from God. That’s when things can go wrong. I have to continue to fight and hold on to His presence in everything instead of focusing on myself.
Romans 8:38-39- NKJV- For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Have a blessed day!!!
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About Rita:
“Being a Christ follower throughout my life has been quite the journey. He’s taken me through deep waters and trials that have tested me over the years. I have fallen so many times, and He’s always been there to lift me back up on my feet. Through a series of broken relationships, I finally figured out what was important to me, putting God first and letting Him lead me. I love writing and learning, and growing with God. I have a beautiful, adult daughter that I love spending time with whenever I can. My hope is to be a tool for God to use to lead others to Him.“
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