Oct '18
Crave What?
Oct '18
I was in a Small Group/Bible Study in the Spring titled “Made to Crave.” Crave is a verb and is defined as this: 1.) to long for; want greatly; desire eagerly 2.) to require; need.
While this actual study is about healthy eating habits (Lysa TurKeurst; Made to Crave), the concept can be applied to so many other areas of our lives. This study could almost be paraphrased as “Who/what is your God?”, as that’s basically the premise of the study. May I ask… what is the most important thing in your life? Is it a person? A material thing? Food? A relationship? A lifestyle? God?? Be honest.. what is it? Think. {..pause here..} Got it?? You may say it’s God, but is it really? I asked myself this same question.
So, I learned in this Bible Study that when we crave and put something – anything – above God, it’s a sin. Yes, a sin. I dislike that I must admit that I’ve rarely looked at it this way. Yeah, I would go about life enjoying the things that God provided for me, and I was even thankful for those things, but when it came down to it – was I putting those things that He provided for me, above Him? That was a difficult question to answer (and admit!) for this long-time Christian. Why was it so difficult??
“Seek His will in all you do, and He will show you which path to take.” (Proverbs 3:6 NLT)
Well, I’m embarrassed to admit that I’ve done this many times in my life, and I feel I have to keep re-learning the same lesson. Over and over. At one point, I honestly did this with another person that was in my life. There were times that God would tug at my heart and ask me if I was putting this person above Him. I distinctly remember God asking me this (more than once), and I would ponder it, but then ignore it and push it away. I figured I was where God put me (this person was also a Christian), so everything was good, right? Only after this person was no longer in my life was when I truly took the time to search my soul – and that’s when God reminded me (again!) that I put this person in the top spot in my life – to the extent that I forgot who I was in Christ. I then had to ask myself “When this person was in my life, what was I doing for God?” The One who breathed air into my lungs and provides me with a new day each morning – what about Him? What was I doing for HIM? Well, I was going to church and reading my Bible. CHECK! There were prayers before meals. CHECK! (Does only before meals count?) What about fervent daily prayer? Uhhhhhhh… What about Bible Study (with this person or with fellow Brothers/Sisters in Christ)? Nope… What about Bible Study on my own?? Negative.. What about including God in everyday (big or small) decisions?
As life moved along, my recent past quickly began to fade, I started evaluating my life and how I had been living. No, I wasn’t a “bad” person, but was I living a life that God wanted me to live by putting Him first? (Insert emphatic no here). God is a jealous God and He wants us to want HIM first – and if something is in the way of that, He has the authority to remove it. I’m so thankful that God removes things that are not good for me – they may be permissible, but if they aren’t good for me, I’m blessed that God takes control of my situations and removes them. Anything that God removes, I know He has a reason. Anything that God removes, I know He will replace with something better.
“You say, “I am allowed to do anything” – but not everything is good for you. You say, “I am allowed to do anything” – but not everything is beneficial”. – 1 Corinthians 10:23 NLT
“And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose for them.” – Romans 8:28 NLT
So, how do I want my future to look? I surely don’t want it to look like my past. I now have daily prayer, I now study the Bible, I am now in God’s Word more than ever.. and I now seek God first in everything. I want to have my life and any future relationships be about God first. I’m the type of person who enjoys helping and wanting to be there for people I care about – but that doesn’t mean that I should take matters into my own hands and put God on a shelf, only asking for Him to get involved when times get hard and I can’t “handle it on my own”. I’m embarrassed to admit that’s what happened, but if I truly want to be transparent here, that’s the truth. God needs to always be on the top pedestal in my life, and anything or anyone else that is in my life comes after that.
I have apologized to God and asked for forgiveness. Like the prodigal son, He welcomed me back with open arms. I no longer put anything above Him – and He’s allowed me to experience such peace and comfort as a result. Yes, I may not know my future, but I know Who does – my future is already planned out by God. (Whew! That’s a relief!)
“For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.” – Jeremiah 29:11 NLT
So, the “planner” in me has had to take a step back and let God take over with HIS plans. He can do it so much better than I can, and I know beyond doubt that my future is bright because He’s told me that He wants His BEST for me, so I’m trusting and resting in that. I’m putting HIM first and letting HIM guide my path, and am experiencing His grace and patience daily as I grow in Him.
“Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and He will give you everything you need”. – Matthew 6:33 NLT
So, I must ask God first, consult God first.. and crave God first. Then, by His hands, I’ll trust and watch the rest fall into perfect place, in His perfect time.
“Patience my little grasshopper. Patience”.
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Good stuff! The part where you said “Only after this person was no longer in my life was when I truly took the time to search my soul – and that’s when God reminded me (again!) that I put this person in the top spot in my life.”
This is something I am guilty of time and time again. You know the intimacy we typically seek through another person, place or thing is truly and underlying craving for a true intimacy with the father. (INTIMACY) after all isn’t this what Jesus meant when he prayed .. “that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world will believe you sent me.” John 17:21
Matt.. Thank you. What beautiful insight and an amazing addition for this blog. I truly appreciate you sharing your heart and thoughts. – Dena
Oh Dena….. That waiting part that’s tough. I’m glad you shared your story. We are stronger then we think. Be thankful.
Hang in there…. You are doing the “write thing”. No pun intended.
Thank you, Holli.. <3